By practical implementation of our spiritual goal, 'successful life through
Divine Guidance' , we want people of all ages and different cultures and
activate and motivate backgrounds by giving them direction (again). So she
continue to be successful and victorious.
From the above objective come the following sub-goals of ' Pillar of Fire
Prophetic Ministry onward
Pillar of Fire Prophetic Ministry' wants the youth to grow up to be self-reliant
individuals in society. That is why special attention is paid to young people to
prevent them from derailing or becoming isolated. To meet these targets,
youth activities and youth services are organised. Also
young adults can call on diaconal and financial help. ten
finally, they may be eligible for food packages and public transport cards.
The sharp vision is aimed at always being able to make the right choices thanks to
Divine guidance. The Dutch translation of 'Pillar of Fire' is pillar of fire. One
pillar of fire has two important functions. First, it diffuses light. This clear
light illuminates our ways so that we set out confidently. This is successful
living in practice by divine guidance. If we don't know which way to go
go, we grope in the dark, in the darkness of the night. Second, a
pillar of fire for fire.
We can warm ourselves with fire, but we can also burn ourselves. It
fire of God, on the other hand, warms us inside and out. It puts us
literally on fire without even a single hair of ours scorching.
We should like to warm ourselves by this fire. Because it brings us into God
nearness, close to His heart. In order not to lose ourselves in the maze of life
Divine guidance consisting of vision, light and protection is indispensable.
He is after all, the origin of life. The beginning and the end. The Alpha and the Omega.
In the desert, the Israelites were totally dependent on God. They didn't have
counselor who stood by them in fighting their wars.
They also had no navigation, because the desert lacks roads and
signage. When we rely only on our own senses,
we can get lost on our life path. Then we are unexpectedly exposed along the way
to many attacks because we have nowhere to hide.
By divine guidance the Israelites were able to reach their destination without getting lost
reach and outrun their enemies, the Egyptians.
While the angel of the Lord
left the Egyptians in the dark. From the Exodus to the
entering the promised land was God with His people. Even when she's in the country
of milk and honey, He did not leave them. Again and again He showed Himself a
true ,good and faithful God. This history is an encouragement and it
proof, that God wants to lead us across the wilderness into our promised land!
Because He hasn't changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
During their exodus from Egypt, God led the Israelites day and night through the
desert. During the day, symbolic of the good times, through a pillar of cloud and
at night, symbolic of the dark times, through a pillar of fire.
Pillar of Fire Prophetic Ministry takes its name as well as its mission and vision
to this mighty journey through the desert where God's ultimate love, guidance and
loyalty is central.
The foundation Pillar of Fire Prophetic Ministry was established in 2011
founded and built on three pillars: healing, deliverance and prophecy.
Pillar of Fire Prophetic Ministry is a full gospel church with a
apostolic, prophetic ministry. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the
congregation led by overseer and founder Clyde Raymond Reiziger
and his wife Pastor Cynthia Reiziger.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The Word tells us
about God's plan for mankind and is an invitation to get to know Him.
We also gain insight into the past, present and future. Furthermore, it gives
faith and guidelines for our daily life
We believe that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. Because Jesus Christ the
has cleared the way, we can also approach Him as Heavenly Father
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who made Himself as an act of love
as a sacrifice for mankind. By His voluntary death on the cross He has paid the price for
paid for our sins. His resurrection from the dead on the third day is proof that
God has accepted the sacrifice for our sins.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of God who wants to dwell in us
to empower and guide us daily
Faith for him consisted of worshiping idols and undergoing cultural
rituals. At a certain moment he didn't want to continue on this hopeless road
and went in search of God. He began to read the Bible intensively because he knew that there were
more. One day when he was studying the Bible again, he met God
because the Word revealed Himself to him as light.
On that day the text 'it
opening Your words spreads light…”2 reality for him. Because he's a
experienced a clear transition from darkness to light and God's love and faithfulness
experienced. This experience made such an impression on him that from that moment on he became 'a
son of God